The Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN), Honourable Justice Ibrahim Tanko Muhammad at the swearing-in of the new SAN’s which took place on Monday, 23rd September, 2019 as part of the event to mark the beginning of the 2019/2020 legal year of the Supreme Court, called for full financial independence of the judiciary, saying that the present situation whereby the judiciary go cap in hand begging for funds has made the independence of the judiciary in doubt.
He noted that the annual budget of the judiciary is still a far cry from what it ought to be. “The figure is either stagnated for a long period or it goes on a progressive decline. The only thing I can do at this juncture is to plead with all concerned to let us enjoy our independence”, he explained.
He, however stated that the Nigerian judiciary, to an extent, is independent in conducting its affairs and taking of decisions on matters before it, without any extraneous influence.
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